October 27th, 2018: Adrian's 50th Birthday Party

 In October of 2018, my cousin Tina was throwing a 50th birthday bash for her husband Adrian in Atlanta. I hadn't seen my extended family since my grandma's funeral five and a half years ago, so I was excited to visit them for something a bit more positive.
The birthday boy in all his glory
I had recently decided that I wanted to get more comfortable taking my camera with me to events because I really enjoy capturing memories, and I knew this would be the perfect opportunity to do just that. That said, my main goal was balancing my desire to photograph with taking the time to enjoy being with my family (and also not being paranoid about my camera disappearing or breaking). Something that helped with this goal was the fact that Tina had hired an official event photographer (rjphotosatl). He was really nice and gave me a lot of tips, like how it's okay to set my ISO to 800 so that I don't have to go and bring up the exposure in post.
Before the tips

After the tips

Overall, I'm happy with how my pictures came out. They're not my best in terms of technical execution, but I captured some really fun moments and that's what I cared most about.
